Mission of Transformation is rapidly approaching 9/3/09

B1MOTpenjingThis powerful tray planting leaves little doubt that Robert Steven is a brilliant bonsai and penjing artist. From Mission of Transformation.

It’s on shore and on its way
A truck bearing Robert Steven’s new book, Mission of Transformation, will be ascending our long dirt driveway any day now (maybe today!).

Walter Pall
“Tradition is not the conservation of ashes but the propagation of fire. Robert Steven certainly is propagating the fire. What was started in his first book, Vision of My Soul… is put into practice here in this book. I dare to say that this book will become a classic. It is a must for every advanced student of bonsai… (and) beginners will profit vastly…” Walter Pall is one of the world’s most famous, prolific and outspoken bonsai artists. Walter is well known to readers of Bonsai Bark.

Bill Valavanis
“The bonsai community is fortunate to have Robert Steven as one of the leading bonsai artists who shares his enthusiasm, passion and love for the art… I am certain bonsai artists from around the globe will find Mission of Transformation a valuable addition to their reference library because it contains information not found anywhere so well presented and explained.” Bill Valavanis, Bonsai artist and educator, and publisher of International Bonsai magazine.

B1MOTmaestroThe Master at play. From Mission of Transformation.

Getting down to it
Even though no one has read this far, we might as well get down to the reason for this post: Order now (so that you can be next in line for shipment) and we will send you Robert’s unique, exciting, inspirational, masterful, brilliant, breath-taking, soulful, powerful, delightful, beautiful, creative, mind stopping new book. Really, it’s all of those things, and even though I long ago learned to dislike writing promotional copy (a nasty part of an otherwise pretty good job), I don’t mind it so much when it doesn’t stray too far from the truth.


The cover. Word has it that Leonardo was an avid bonsai enthusiast.

B1VISIONVision of My Soul, Robert’s first book is one of the true bonsai classics.

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4 thoughts on “Mission of Transformation is rapidly approaching

  1. Hi Wayne,

    This is good news. Will it be a numbered edition like his first book? Thanks.

  2. Hi Josh,
    No numbers this time. It’s a great book though. Much broader scope than Vision.

  3. Is a great book, fantastic explanation and vision. Speak of Robert Steven is speak of the nature

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