National Bonsai Foundation 2010 Calendar 2/6/10


This massive white pine was donated to the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum by Daizo Iwasaki. Though I’ve never met him, I have long admired Mr. Iwasaki’s dedication to promoting the art of bonsai. Few people in our world bonsai community rival Mr. Iwasaki’s tireless energy, boundless generosity and devotion when it comes to bonsai. This tree is just one of many world class bonsai that he has donated to our National Bonsai and Penjin Museum. BTW: did you notice how the enormous base of the trunk nearly fills the whole pot?

2010: A good year for bonsai and related arts
Rather than listing all the events here, you can check out the NB&P Museum’s abundant calendar yourself.

Here’s a few photos from the Museum



