Famous Trees & Famous People 2/10/10


How many times have seen a bonsai that’s big enough to sit its shade? The young lady languishing on the pot is Solita Rosade. The older gentleman next to her looks a lot like Chase Rosade. And no,  I don’t think it’s a plastic tree at Disney World. More like a real live ficus in Thailand.

People and places
Have you ever wanted to travel the world and visit all the famous bonsai places and hang out with all the famous (and not so famous) bonsai people? If their website is any indication (as well as the word on the bonsai street) that’s what Chase and Solita Rosade have been up to (when they’re not tending to their bonsai nursery & studio).

Speaking of famous people
Chase and Solita also fall into that dubious category. But it’s well earned and couldn’t happen to nicer people. If you don’t believe me, visit them at Rosade Bonsai Studio sometime. Meanwhile, you can check out their website.


Parts of the Rosade Bonsai Studio display at the Philadelphia flower show (above and below).


rosadesMore evidence of famous people and famous places.

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2 thoughts on “Famous Trees & Famous People

  1. Wayne,

    As you may know, there are more pictures of Chase with the late Vaughn Banting on Vaughn’s website. This website is multi-faceted and includes many other things about Vaughn’s life aside from bonsai. It’s well worth the time visiting the site. I wish I could have had a chance to meet him when he was alive and well.

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