Beware the Terriers! 6/24/10


A good mix of freshly carved and aged olive wood. The carving was done by Graham Potter. The aged wood is courtesy of Mother Nature and Father Time.

Graham’s video series
The shots here are from a wood carving demo by Graham Potter; one of many in an excellent, ongoing series.


Terrier attack!


Finished for now. That’s Graham on the right.

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4 thoughts on “Beware the Terriers!

  1. Hi Travis,
    Not something we carry, with no definite plans to expand into power tools and implements, though the thought has crossed my mind.

  2. there are so many website to buy all the tools that MR.Potter use its just getting the skill to use them

  3. You can learn some just by reading and watching videos, but lessons from someone who knows the ropes is best.

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