Wiring Tips: Take It All Off (but not too early) 5/20/11

White pine bunjin wired at Taisho en. From ‘The Art of Bonsai.’

Take it all off (but not too early)
The following article by John Romano takes on a bit of conventional wisdom about wire scarring. The article originally appeared on the New England Bonsai blog, ‘The Art of Bonsai.’

In John’s own words…
“Wiring is an essential technique to create beautiful bonsai. It is not the only means (as some practice the Lignan method of cut and grow) but it is the most efficient way to shape a tree; to open up foliage to let light in; to move branches/trunks into place.

However, many inexperienced enthusiasts, and even many experienced ones, make certain mistakes in wiring that is evident in their technique. I am not going to outline all of these deficiencies but want to mention one often overlooked. First of all, if one wishes to learn proper wiring technique, there is no substitute for practice, practice, practice AFTER you first learn proper execution from a good teacher. Then just do it and do it some more (and then do it some more!)

But what I wanted to comment on in this post is the often practiced action of taking wire off too early. I know some practitioners who are so quick to point out wiring scars, however minor, and then diminishing the artistry of that particular tree off hand because of this…..”

For the rest of this article, including more photos, visit the ‘Art of Bonsai.’

This photo is not part of John’s article, though it does help illustrate his main point: if you look closely, you can see some wire scars on this pine. These scars will completely disappear soon enough. Photo is from our Master’s Series Pine Book (2nd printing is due in our warehouse in July).





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4 thoughts on “Wiring Tips: Take It All Off (but not too early)

  1. Thanks Donna,
    Yeah, you are not the only one. Some system don’t seem to be all that compatible with photos. Ours are just standard JPEGs and I’m not sure if there is anything we can do about it (though I am miles from being any kind of IT person). I’ll ask around to see if there are any possible solutions out there.

  2. Microsoft Explorer 7 doesn´t show me the pics sometimes, not a problem with Firefox Mozilla.

    BTW, couldn´t be more agree with Mr. Romano: the only way to wire a tree properly, is practice: eventually, it will become some fast & natural maneuvering.

  3. Hi Al,

    Yeah, I think someone else said the same thing about Explorer vs Mozilla.

    And yes, that’s what they eh? Practice make perfect.

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