Bonsai’s Big Leap: The 3rd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibiton 6/11/12

This palatial planting by Pierre Leloup may have been the most talked about bonsai in the entire exhibit. Unfortunately, because Pierre is Canadian, it was not part of the judging (the same goes for several other worthy Canadian bonsai). As you might surmise, there’s no way that a photo can capture the whole splendid wonder of this planting. Viewing it in real space is one of those mind stopping experiences (The photo is courtesy of Pierre Leloup and Sangi Louise Drolet, my sweet Exhibition neighbors. You can find it and other great photos on Pierre’s facebook page and his website).

Much more to come
There’s a long drive ahead of me today, so this I’ll keep this brief. Don’t worry though, there’s much more to come on the 3rd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. For now, suffice it to say, that bonsai in the U.S. (Canada too) has taken a big leap forward. If you were there, you’d know what I mean. It you weren’t, well, you’ll just have to stay posted for the release of the Exhibition Album.

A deep bow
Before I go, a deep bow, hat in hand, to Bill Valavanis and all the other noble soldiers who put this monumental event together.

An earlier iteration of Pierre’s planting. I like this simple straight-on shot. Hopefully, we’ll be able to feature a similar shot of planting as it is now.


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3 thoughts on “Bonsai’s Big Leap: The 3rd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibiton

  1. This was my second time attending the National Show and I have to say very impressive display of trees but the folks up in NY know how to get it on when it comes to bonsai. So many impressive trees and equally impressive people. The show was awesome and I met so many great people through out the weekend. Wayne it was a pleasure to finally meet you in person. Bill Valavanis you sir put on one helluva show-I commend and thank you. To all that couldn’t make it-OMG get there in 2014-seriously you won’t regret it.
    Steven Miller 5th degree Kohai

  2. Thanks Steven,
    I second your sentiments. And likewise, it was a pleasure meeting you.

  3. Thanks for posting this Wayne, and it was nice to meet you at the exhibition. Pierre’s piece was mind boggling. The silky carved wood stand was a masterpiece in itself. There were some incredible trees there, and the Canadian bonsai really made me proud. Its a shame that they were not eligible for competition, but fortunately Canadians can submit trees to the Artisans Cup of Portland Bonsai Exhibition 2013. Hopefully some Toronto and Montreal folk will have a presence there.

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