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5 thoughts on “Only 15 Months til the Artisans Cup

  1. What’s really significant with the Artisans Cup is the venue: The Portland Museum of Art. This is the first time a major art establishment has truly acknowledged bonsai as worthy of its attention. It’s a huge step forward and will hopefully set a precedent for future events in museums across the country.

  2. Hi Wayne, I’m having trouble with all my Bonsai Bark posts – they’re all running together (have been since June 2). So when I want to go and reread a previous post I have to scroll through all the later posts firsts to find it (and my scroll down button on the right of my screen is getting ever smaller too). Is there something I can do about this? It’s only been since the 2/6 post ‘Arts of the Earth’.

  3. Hi Ann,
    Aha. It just may be my fault.
    I made a change in the way I link to bark from the newsletter. If you use that link, then all the latest posts will show. I changed back to the old way in the last newsletter.

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