Developing Fine Branching on Deciduous Bonsai 7/14/13

This Hornbeam by Mario Komsta has appeared on Bonsai Bark in a number of incarnations. Though it does appear even more ramified in later photos (see below), still, this particular stage in its development shows a pretty good example of ramification on a deciduous bonsai, while maintaining an overall sense of proportion. In the photo below, the branching almost overwhelms the trunk, while in this photo, it serves as a perfect counterpoint that emphasizes the power of the trunk. Nice choice of pots too.

Continuing our mid-summer semi-vacation, I’m taking the easy way out once again. This post is drawn from three earlier posts. Most of the content is from a post that appeared way back in May of 2010, titled Developing Ramification on Deciduous Bonsai. The exceptions are the photos at the top and bottom of Mario Komsta’s magnificent, now famous Hornbeam, both of which also appeared in earlier Bark posts.


These illustrations represent a page from Bonsai Today issue 66. It’s the first of three posts on ramification (branching) that we ran back in 2010. Here’s the second and the third.

Ramification equals branch development
Ramification literally means branching or branch development. However, when it comes to the art of bonsai (and especially deciduous bonsai) it has come to mean branch development that displays a couple key features: taper and fine branching. These features are critical when it comes to developing quality deciduous bonsai.

Deciduous trees develop rapidly….
… but they also lose their shape rapidly. In other words, with the application of some precise pruning and pinching, you can create excellent fine branching on deciduous trees in just a few years. But it’s an on going process that requires continued trimming and pinching to maintain.


Pinching back. Notice that is it says the pinching back is done “from the end of March to the end of April.” Exactly when this should occur where you live, depends upon your climate (the original article is from somewhere around Tokyo, Japan; which is about the same latitude as Charlotte, NC). Here in northern Vermont it’s more like from mid May until mid June.


Talk about ramification! Here’s a latter version of Mario’s famous Hornbeam (above) that appeared on Bark last December. Though I am only guessing, it seems to me that Mario is using this tree as an experiment in ramification.

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3 thoughts on “Developing Fine Branching on Deciduous Bonsai

  1. Hi Wayne,
    I am trying to pinch and prune a roma apple tree. Is it possible?

  2. HI Nicolas,
    I take it that Roma apple is another name for Rome apple.
    It is common to prune all apple trees. For production and for bonsai.

  3. Thanks Wayne, great blog. I live in San Diego, and I defoliated my bonsai’s branches yesterday, except now it looks like a child with braces. Next season I can get a better pot, and some proper supports. I’m curious to see how the trunk will grow, if it keeps growing skyward, it will be rather tall.

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