Imagination and Striking Detail 10/30/13

A close-up of a part of a penjing style planting from the World Bonsai Friendship Federation Convention that took place in China last month. This photo was sent to us by Randy Clark (we featured Randy’s plantings in a post about figurines last week and last month we featured a photo of the whole planting that we borrowed from Bill Valavanis).

Part of another planting from the World Bonsai Friendship Federation Convention, also courtesy of Randy Clark. We don’t have a photo of the whole planting, so you’ll have to use your imagination.


Speaking of figurines (often called mudmen). The best of these are striking in their detail and this one is no exception. Photo courtesy of Randy Clark.


Here’s the tree with the mudman from the photo immediately above.

We’ve shown this one before, but it’s worth another go. It’s the planting that the close-up above is from (top of the page).



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4 thoughts on “Imagination and Striking Detail

  1. thank you for these picture, last month Robert Smith and me Suzanne Piché were there in China for the World Bonsai Friendship Federtion Robert did a performence with 2 friends from Canada from our Society of bonsai and penjing of Quebec It was fantastic

  2. That rock planting on top is superb. Where, I wonder, can rocks like that be found. Those are perfect stones for saikei or any root-over-rock planting. The detail and scale… ahh!

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