Bonsai Yogi 3/16/14

A little change of pace. We almost always just focus on bonsai and avoid photos that feature people (that’s facebook’s job), but this one is just too good to pass up. The peaceful Bonsai Yogi is Gedemerta (aka Gede Merta) of Bonsai Bali. I cropped this photo (with apologies to Scott Jackson and his great tattoo). The uncropped version is here.

So. I’m mentally packing my bags for Bali. I could sweep floors and wash dishes in exchange for bonsai lessons. Maybe a little contemplation instruction too, though I’m not sure how long I can sit on the ground with my legs crossed.

Though this is the first time we’ve featured Mr Gedemerta, it’s not the first time we’ve featured his bonsai. My favorite Gedemerta Bark post features Snake Dance, a phenomenally wild full cascade Pemphis acidula.


You like fantastic deadwood? Not that’s all about the deadwood – even without it this would be a very good bonsai. With all the deadwood (the more you look, the more you see) and other visual treats (the bark for example), I’d say it’s a magnificent bonsai. I guess I could also point out the pot and stand, but you no doubt already noticed those. This and the other photos in this post are from facebook.


I’ve said enough for one post. This tree and the one below can speak for themselves.


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One thought on “Bonsai Yogi

  1. karya seniman yang luar biasa….
    suatu inspirasi seniman untuk berkarya dengan kesan Alam yang sesungguhnya….

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