Un andante gracioso entre el Bonsai 1/30/15


It’s a bit of a long story, but Bonsai Do provides famous quotes in Spanish with photos of bonsai (on facebook). In this case Nacho Marin provided the bonsai and the photo. The quote (with my stab at translation) follows: El otoño es un andante melancólico y gracioso que prepara admirablemente el solemne adagio del invierno – Fall is a sad and graceful walk that admirably prepares for the solemn walk of winter. (George Sand).

All the bonsai shown here are by Nacho Marin, as are the photos (facebook). For some reason, we haven’t featured South American bonsai artists much here on Bark (one exception being Nacho). Maybe you have some suggestions to help us remedy the situation.

Nacho was already an accomplished artist when he came to bonsai; a not too common, but potentially fruitful marriage. In Nacho’s case, you could scratch the potentially and leave it at fruitful.



Nice tray. Great tree. Perfect planting. It looks a lot like a juniper variety, but I can’t be 100% sure. BTW: There are no junipers native to the Southern Hemisphere. This is surprising considering just how many types of junipers there are.



A potless pot? Or…?



A front and a back? Or just two fronts? 



It’s very helpful to be able to draw bonsai before you start styling. And though it’s nice to be able to draw as well as Nacho, even primitive drawings are better than no drawings at all.



Though powerful Ficus bonsai are not that unusual, this one really jumped out during my daily facebook scroll.



Here’s a brief Nacho-bio I lifted from his website:
Designer of civil works
Professional photographer and teacher in the Venezuelan Photographers Society, recognized by the Professional Photographers of America
Plastic artist
Student of master Salvatore Liporace (2009)

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3 thoughts on “Un andante gracioso entre el Bonsai

  1. Looks like a defoliated Bucida Spinosa (dwarf Black Olive,) but I could be wrong.

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