This sturdy
Contoneasterwith its rich berry display is from our 2010 Bonsai calendar. Bill Valavanis just informed me that this an Ilex serrata (he calls it a Japanese fine tooth holly). I'll always defer to Bill, though I've never seen a Japanese holly that looks like this tree.
Last post featured Pyracantha bonsai with its inedible (some birds love ’em though) berries so we might as well feature another bonsai variety with inedible berries. This time it’s Cotoneaster (well, sort of – see above).
Another sturdy Cotoneaster bonsai with berries, only this time a little one. It's the cover tree for Morten Albek's Shohin Bonsai, Majesty in Miniature.
There might be a few berries hidden amoung the rich fall colored leaves on this Sinuous root style Rockspray Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster horizontalis) by Bill Valavanis of International Bonsai.
Couldn't find that many specimen level Cotoneaster but thought this little tree might serve to show some more berries. The photo is from Pinterest.
Shohin Bonsai with Morten's Cotoneaster on the cover. On special at Stone Lantern.