Avant-Garde Bonsai 11/10/15

do4Avant-garde bonsai. This fluid tree with its distinctive flying pot is from Bonsai Do. The caption says with Tony Tickle (I visited Tony's blog and couldn't find it). There's also this quote by Thomas Browne (it's in Spanish on Bonsai Do, but here's the original English): Art is the perfection of nature. Nature hath made one world, and art another.

Leaving for the airport in a while, so not enough time to put together a new post. I borrowed this one from February, 2013.

Here are some photos I captured from Bonsai Do on facebook. The good news is they have put together a impressive selection of photos along with some famous quotes. The bad news is that most of the trees aren’t identified by species and many don’t list the source.


do2Spectacular, if just a little fuzzy. The caption says with El Tim Bonsai, but alas, a quick search resulted in a whiff, so the artist will remain anonymous. I'm going to guess that it's a Japanese beech and really go out a limb (so to speak) and say that it's one of the most impressive deciduous bonsai you'll ever see. In every regard, including sheer power, movement, ramification and all the rest.


do1I'm not sure I've ever seen deadwood patterns quite like this. It's a European olive and it belongs to Stefano Defraia.


Something a little different that looks like it's from China. No source listed, but there is this quote by Friedrich Von Schiller (I can't find the English version and my powers of translation leave much to desired, so we'll settle for the Spanish); "Si buscas lo más elevado, lo más grandioso, una planta te lo puede enseñar: lo que ella es sin querer, tú, queriendo, puedes serlo."


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3 thoughts on “Avant-Garde Bonsai

  1. The first tree was shown at Bonsai Europa 2015.

    Tony Tickle has a post on his blog from October 29 that contains 80 studio photos of the trees from that show. This tree is number 31.


    These are wonderful photos of an amazing set of trees. Do take a look. I also particularly liked #79.

    But is #31 Tony’s? He does not say. But at least we know that it is connected to him, and someone could ask.

  2. The last tree is from a book I just bought from you, Literati Style Penjing: Chinese Bonsai Masterworks. Page 29. Figure 33.

    Striking Engery.
    Species: Chinese Elm
    Height: 90cm
    Age: 40 years
    Designer Wu Chengfa

    But the tree on the facing page, which also has a scholar figure in it, is even more interesting, in my view.

    As for the Spanish comment you found, google translate gives this: If you are looking for the highest, the greatest thing , a plant can teach you what : she is unwittingly you , meaning you can be.

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