We’ve Got a Bonsai Detective Winner and… 1/18/16


This image from our 2016 Bonsai Calendar has nothing to do with our Bonsai Detective Contest. Though you might note that our Contest is now officially over and that this beautiful calendar is now half price (as is our Japanese Garden Calendar).

We have a Bonsai Detective Contest winner. His name is Dane Smith. He submitted his correct answers (see below) in considerably less than an hour from the time the post went up (Stephen Moore submitted his correct answers only moments later).

Now the ten thousand of you who are emailing your answers can go back to your whatever else it is you like to do (but thanks!).

BTW: I now know that Image Search has made our Detective Contests obsolete. Some of us are slow to catch the curve.


Two Japanese icons (Mt Fuji & Cherry blossoms) from our 2016 Japanese Garden Calendar. Now half price at Stone Lantern.



Another image from our 2016 Bonsai Calendar. Just in case you missed it above it's now half price (as is our Japanese Garden Calendar).

Dane’s correct answers:

1. Karume azalea (Rhododendron obtusum: Japanese Kurume-tsutsuji).

Classic Flowering Bonsai of Japan

2. A magical Chinese elm penjing by Wang Huaishun – https://bonsaibark.com/2010/12/17/penjing-bonsai-the-original-creators/

3. Wayan Suwendra – https://bonsaibark.com/2011/01/27/bonsai-indonesia-sherlock-holmes/

4. Dwarf Japanese garden juniper (J. procumbens ‘Nana’). By Jerald B. Stowell

Tough, Durable, Flexible & Beautiful

5. http://www.theartisanscup.com/blog/2015/7/1/announcing-the-artisans-cup-exhibitors

6. https://bonsaibark.com/2010/10/04/fall-color-writ-small/

7. https://bonsaibark.com/2009/11/03/japanese-bonsai-small-is-powerful/

8. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b7/bf/9a/b7bf9aa3217ba51560a8886800cf9dc8.jpg


9. http://crataegus.com/2012/10/14/visit-to-vancouver-island-canada/img_0596/

10. Erodium reichardii (Heronsbill) https://bonsaibark.com/2009/10/06/three-more-unique-bonsai-entries-make-four/

11. Shohin Pyracantha with yellow berries

Less Is Still Enough

12. http://hardblog-bonsai.blogspot.com/2012/05/bunjin-and-grass.html