Two Pines, an Honest Effort (& Something New for You) 6/30/16


I like this tree's fluid movement with its strong changes of direction. I also like the pot, though if you're showing a tree like this, it could be a little smaller. Here's our rough translation of the caption with this photo: "This charming and elegant image that we're sharing is from Bonsai Albar (does someone knows who it belongs too? Thank you)." The original Spanish is below.*

Today we’ve got two pines for you. A little digging unearthed the tree above as a Mugo** but the artist is unknown. The tree below is the reverse; the artist, Kevin Willson is identified, but we’re not sure about the tree.

Thanks to Bonsai Maydalit for both photos shown here. It seems they make an honest effort to attribute artists and identify trees. Not everyone on social media bothers.



We know this pine was styled by Kevin Willson, but we don't know what kind of pine it is (I'll guess that it's also a Mugo, though my guessing powers leave something to be desired).

*”Este bellisimo ejemplar lo compartí de: Bonsái albar (si alguien sabe a quien pertenece? Gracias)”

**Sorry, no link… it was found then lost (in passive voice)

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