A Snake, A Monster & A Well-Groomed Black Pine Bonsai 8/19/16

Ideue-Kikko-en1This has to be one of the most unique Japanese black pines anywhere. I can't help but think of a monster with two gnarled feet lurching along. Now, if you can put that image out of your mind, you might enjoy the ancient bark and wonderfully confusing movement of the trunks.

All three Japanese black pine bonsai shown here belong to Fumio Ideue, owner of Ideue Kikkoen Bonsai Garden in Shikoku, Japan.

We borrowed most of this post from a post titled King of Bonsai that originally appeared here in December, 2013.

kuru2Snake. Looks like this was taken in the spring after Mr Ideue had plucked some candles and left some others where he wanted growth.


kuruThis is what a well-groomed Black pine looks like. Well balanced too, especially considering the strong lean to the left.


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