Finest Japanese Bonsai display. Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens) by Suthin Sukolosovisit. I'm not sure what makes this rugged rock root-on-rock planting a Japanese Bonsai display. I am sure however, that it is a magnificent bonsai by one of our greatest bonsai artists. But then, those of us who have been paying attention, have come to expect masterpieces like this from Suthin.* I borrowed this photo from Oscar at Bonsai Empire.**
Today I’d like to show you the winner of the prize for the Finest Japanese Bonsai display at the just completed 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. It belongs to Suthin Sukolosovisit, a great American bonsai artist and a good friend (everybody loves Suthin, so I’m not alone in this regard).
I’ll try not to spoil your appreciation by over-analyzing, but I just can’t resist saying how stuck I am by how every piece of this planting, large and small, moves so fluidly. There are no static lines that I can see anywhere. A dynamic masterpiece.
Yesterday, we featured the overall first prize bonsai at the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition and a tribute to Bill Valavanis. Today it’s Suthin’s winner. We’ll see what happens tomorrow. Meanwhile, if you’d like to see all the winners, you can visit Oscar at Bonsai Empire.
If you can stand a little blown-up-fuzz, you might be able to better see the details on the rock and pot. I recognize dwarf Mondo grass, dwarf ferns and some moss. Not sure about the rest.
I can't tell if these two trunks share the same roots or if they are two distinct trees. The powerful downward jin provides counter balance to the upward thrust of the rock and the top trunk.
Continued below... Wayne, the owner of Stone Lantern has asked me (the other Wayne) to mention the current 20% to 30% off everything sale at Stone LanternEverybody needs wire. Everybody needs tools (nobody really needs any of this, but for some us it sure feels that way). Now is the time... 20% to 30% off Everything (but two items***) at Stone Lantern. Plus FREE Shipping for U.S. orders 100.00+ and reduced shipping on all other orders
Here's a sweet little Willow leaf ficus by Suthin that I picked up at the show. It's already precious to me and worth a lot more than I paid.
*A note on pronunciation: I’ve heard several people mispronounce Suthin at the show and elsewhere over the years… for us English speakers the ‘h’ is silent (though in the Thai language it might signify something), so it’s pronounced Su-tin (or at least a close approximation).
** Yesterday’s tree was also photographed by Oscar. I attributed it to Bill Valavanis (it was on his facebook feed) and though Bill is responsible for the whole show, Oscar took the photo.
***By agreement with the publisher, we do not discount the unique and beautiful book Gnarly Branches, Ancient Trees and by agreement with the manufacturer, we do not discount our amazing Green T Turntable. Both are great value at full price and both quality for Free Shipping in the U.S.