This high quality bonsai provides an excellent example of a before and after, when the before is already a well established tree. The tree belongs to Yannik Kiggen (coincidentally, we just did a first time post on Yannick last month). The artist is Manuel Germade, another first timer here on Bark. Though the variety isn't mentioned, it looks like a lot like a Yew (Taxus)
Back to before and after. This time the tree is an already a well established bonsai, while the artist Manuel Germade, though perhaps also already well established, is new to us.
Though there are many different types of before and afters, maintaining, upgrading and otherwise refining an already impressive, but overgrown tree, is quite common. After all, few serious bonsai growers can keep all their trees in tip top condition year round. Besides, for health and other good reasons, it’s necessary to simply let trees grow sometimes
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Impressive results. Both basic maintenance and a upgrade in quality have been accomplished
Now the power and the details of the trunk have been exposed and enhanced
Manuel Germade at work. I'll bet the the tree is a little bigger than you thought. For more before and afters and other gems, you can visit Manuel on facebook and on Yamabonsai
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