Bill’s Famous Seigen Japanese Maple in Fall and Spring Color – Setting the Record Straight 10/10/17


This is what the fall color really looks like on Bill Valavanis' famous Seigen Japanese maple

My apologies to Bill Valavanis for a careless mistake in our post from Monday. Not only did I fail to attribute the tree shown here to Bill due a memory failure (coupled with laziness), but I mistook spring color for fall color. To set the record straight, the fall color photo is above and the spring color photo is below.

If there’s any good news to come out of my mistake, perhaps it’s the chance to remind you about next year’s 6th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. As it happens, the maple in question is the tree Bill chose for the logo. An excellent choice for what promises to be a truly great bonsai event

By the way, our congratulations to Bill who was just inducted into the American Bonsai Hall of Fame (stay tuned for more about Bill and his great honor tomorrow)


Spring color!


Here it is. Your first of many reminders about the 6th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. Time to start planning your trip

If you need more encouragement, take a look at the powerful trees from the last tree Exhibition Albums (we’re sold out of 1 & 2)


Visit Stone Lantern for these unique and wonderful Albums
and a whole range of other great bonsai books