A Deft Touch: Another Excellent Critique by Robert Steven

After. Robert Steven’s simulation of a tree that was submitted by Sumardi. The before photo is below. Robert’s deft touch If you look at the before and after shots, it’s easy to see that it’s the same tree. The trunk has been leaned slightly to the left, some branches have been lengthened and some shortened, it has a different pot and the placement in the pot has been moved. Nothing very radical, yet the effect is striking; the tree has transformed from simple potential to realization of that potential. Before. The image that Sumardi submitted to Robert. Robert’s comments The … Continue reading A Deft Touch: Another Excellent Critique by Robert Steven

Another Radical Transformation by Robert Steven

Robert’s simulation of a tree that was submitted for critique by Matthew Harhager (Matthew’s original is below). Attention to detail helps I don’t know exactly how Robert Steven does his simulations, but from the looks of them, I’d guess that plenty of time and effort goes into each one. Rather than settle for simple abstractions, Robert’s simulations look like the real thing (the photo above aptly illustrates this point). So much so, that if you didn’t know that they are simulations, you’d most likely accept them as photos of actual bonsai. I can think of at least two reasons why … Continue reading Another Radical Transformation by Robert Steven

Visual Balance – Robert Steven Critique

Robert Steven’s simulation of a Pemphis acidula that was submitted for critique by Hamman Harris. The original is below. Bow and arrow Once you get beyond the fact that the bark and shape and even the foliage (at a glance) on this Pemphis look so much like the common Juniper pro-nana (that made-yesterday little bonsai imposter that flooded our Holiday malls last century), you might notice that there’s an unmistakable bow and arrow effect going on here. True, the bow has been softened considerably by Robert in his simulation, but the arrow remains. Perhaps Robert left it the way it … Continue reading Visual Balance – Robert Steven Critique

Exploring Bonsai Subtleties Courtesy of Robert Steven

Robert’s simulation of a submission by Nyoman Agus (the original is below). Getting down to the finer points So much of what you see and read in bonsai books and elsewhere, just repeats the same old basic principles. Even some of the most experienced teachers seem to fall into this trap. It’s easy to understand, given that bonsai is still fairly young in much of the world and so many of us are still trying to learn those basic principles. But still, it’s a breath of fresh air when someone digs into subtleties that most of us would never think … Continue reading Exploring Bonsai Subtleties Courtesy of Robert Steven

Outside the Bonsai Box – Robert Steven Critiques a Massive Pemphis

Robert Steven’s simulation of a photo submitted by Wayan (see below). What a difference a pot makes Though Robert doesn’t mention it in his critique (below), introducing a shallow pot, rather than the tree’s clunky and rather unattractive pot (also below), instantly transforms the whole tree. Nothing outside the box, just a simple change that does wonders for a bonsai.   Before. Submitted by Wayan. In Robert’s own words Although the trunk is very interesting, it is quite difficult to turn this tree into a design that ideally portrays a large mature tree. The stump is too bulky, so it … Continue reading Outside the Bonsai Box – Robert Steven Critiques a Massive Pemphis

Robert Steven Critique: From Very Good to Even Better

After. Robert Steven’s simulation of Pemphis that was submitted by Soni. The before photo is below. Before you read any further… …take a look at the two photos and see if you can spot what’s different. Soni’s original. Not too much to improve, though I think it would look better if the residue on the pot was removed. In Robert’s own words All the features of this tree look perfect, but overall it does not look very natural due to the neatly shaped round canopy. There are two main factors that make a bonsai look natural: the ramification (branch structure) … Continue reading Robert Steven Critique: From Very Good to Even Better

Shape Shifting: Robert Steven Transforms a Juniper

Robert Steven’s simulation of a juniper that was submitted by Peter Woosley. Peter’s original is below. A surprising shift Robert fooled me (once again). At a glance I thought the tree had potential more or less as it was. All it needed was perhaps a little lean to the right, some work on the crown and that heavy upper section of trunk (where the first branches come off), and especially on the somewhat stiff feeling branch on the lower left that caused the whole tree to seem unbalanced. However, Robert saw things differently and ended up with a much more … Continue reading Shape Shifting: Robert Steven Transforms a Juniper

Robert Steven Provides a Lesson in Improving a Group Planting

Robert Steven’s simulation of a group planting on a rock. The original (below) was submitted by Jemmy Liauw. Where’s yours? Go ahead, send us a photo of a bonsai <wayne@stonelantern.com>. Don’t be shy. Robert’s critiques offer you something that most of us never get: free, in depth personal instruction and a simulated photo of what your tree could look like. From a world famous bonsai artist, no less. Jemmy Liauw’s fuzzy original. Robert’s Comments There are unlimited ideas to make different views of group style bonsai. There can be a close-up view, a distance view, a forest view or a … Continue reading Robert Steven Provides a Lesson in Improving a Group Planting

Robert Steven Transforms Raw Stock

Robert Steven’s simulation of a tree that was submitted by David Royinsyah (below). Robert’s vision and artistry This one is quite unusual. The stock is totally raw and not that interesting. Robert simply manufactured all the branching and the foliage from nothing and the trunks have been transformed from taperless sticks to what looks like naturally time-worn wood. He even created a new pot from scratch. Testaments to Robert’s vision and artistry. David’s original provides an usual challenge for Robert. Robert’s comments Usually I only critique finished bonsai and not raw material. However, David Royinsyah sent me this photo to … Continue reading Robert Steven Transforms Raw Stock

Robert Steven & the Tao of Bonsai

Movement and stillness. Robert Steven’s skill, energy and enthusiasm have done much to move the art of bonsai forward. Even though there’s nowhere to go. These photos are from a facebook album that presents some samples of Robert Steven’s bonsai. A simple tree with its gnarled time-twisted trunk, leans into the darkness. Sentient trees in a ancient forest, a floating world. Robert Steven is a frequent contributor to Bonsai Bark. In addition to being an acclaimed bonsai artist and teacher, Robert is bonsai author, with two very notable books under his belt (Vision of My Soul and Mission of Transformation) … Continue reading Robert Steven & the Tao of Bonsai