Vacation Gallery: Enjoy, I’ll Be Back July 2nd

This Trident maple penjing was designed by Quingquan Zhao in 2001 at the Mid Atlantic Bonsai show.  It was purchased by Dr. McNear and given to National Bonsai Foundation in honor of his daughter Emily Jane McNear. It reside at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum in Washington DC.

Back Savers #3: Plan Ahead for Shohin Symposium

Koto Hime Dwarf Japanese maple (Acer palmatum ‘Koto Hime’). Bill Valavanis started this sturdy shohin maple from an airlayer taken in June 1986. Height 11 inches, Tokonome pot. 2009 Shohin Bonsai Symposium, Rochester NY. Bill Valavanis’ Shohin Symposium is coming up soon (September). Shohin artists from around the world will be teaching and displaying their talents and enthusiasm for your enjoyment and benefit. Nobuichi Urushibata, Peter Warren, Julian Adams… Harvey Carapella, Sean Smith, Suthin Sukosolvisit, Erik Wigert, Jack Wikle, Bill Valavanis (and you?) will be on hand. And, of course. a host of bonsai friends to hang and play with … Continue reading Back Savers #3: Plan Ahead for Shohin Symposium