Still a mystery
I lifted this shohin black pine is from the American Shohin-Bonsai Association gallery. I couldn’t find who the artist is anywhere (and their contact link isn’t working), so I figured if I used it for our contest, someone would let me know. No such luck, so it’s still a mystery to me.
No longer Mr. Second Place!
However. two people did answer some of the of questions correctly (at least I think they were correct; the site doesn’t say anything, so I’m guessing). Of the two Vinicius Costa (formerly known as ‘Mr. Second Place’) was first, so he’s the winner. Congrats Vinicius!
I’d still love to know
Meanwhile, I’m not completley comfortable posting unattributed images (or text), so I’d still love to know who’s the owner/artist is. Anyone?
Finally!! You know what they say, fifth time is the lucky one, right? :D
Hi Wayne,
It was brought to my attention that my Shohin Japanese Black Pine had been posted here for a contest. To answer your questions:
1. the name of the artist: Since it was a imported from Japan, the original artist is unknown. It is owned now by me, Karen Proctor.
2. the species and sub-species (if applicable) of the tree: Japanese Black Pine
3. the height of the tree, including the pot: 9″ tall including the pot, 7″ tall from soil line.
4. where the tree can be found on the web:
I would also appreciate the approximate age of the tree, if you know it. This I do not know.
Thanks Karen. It’s great to be able to attribute. And BTW: Nice tree!