We Have a Winner! 2/8/10


Ferry Freriks’ stout-trunked little Honeysuckle takes the grand prize in a down to the wire contest for a $100 gift certificate from Stone Lantern. Congrats Ferry!

Oh so close
Altogether 41 people (including me) submitted their choices. The total count for the first three finishers (see below for photos of the other two) were: Ferry’s Honeysuckle 84. John Romano’s Erodium 80. Brian and Jill’s (no last name) Serissa 80.

Next time
When I started this contest it didn’t occur that it would be so close. Next time I’ll divide the prize among the first three finishers. Meanwhile, John and Brian and Jill will have to be content with the knowledge that lots of people enjoyed their trees.

Thank you!
Every single tree got at least a handful of points. And I enjoyed them all and appreciated your daring in submitting your trees and subjecting them to our critiques.

flowering serissa for contest at stone lantern 010

Brian & Jill’s Serissa and John Romano‘s tiny Erodium (below) tied for second, just four points behind the first place bonsai.


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8 thoughts on “We Have a Winner!

  1. Here’s some comments that Mark Arpag sent via email:

    Hi Wayne,
    Interesting concept with contest judging. I hereby make my nominations.

    J (Serissa)
    Comments:The most powerful tiny tree. Compact and pleasing form with the bonus of flowers.
    Pot is too big for my taste and the pot does not aid in the overall design.

    B (Erodium)
    Comments:Appears to have been grown as a Bonsai for some time. Unusual material with a powerful and interesting trunk.
    Pot is too big for my taste and does not elevate the design of the Bonsai.

    D (Black pine)
    Comments:I just like this lil’ fella. Given time and care will be interesting Bonsai. High hopes for his future!
    Nice pot, but too big for display of this Bonsai.

    Best Regards,
    Mark Arpag

  2. The right tree won! This was my favorite tree in the contest. I like the pot size, the trunk size, the moss, and the shape of the tree. I voted for this one along with two of my friends’ trees. I’d gladly take second place to this tree any day of the week.



  3. Wow. Just… Wow.

    First of all I would like thank mr. Schoech for making this contest possible and providing the very generous prize.

    Secondly, I want to thank my parents, my local garden center and bonsai nursery! *sob* I couldn’t have done it without your support/supplies/sundries.

    And of course I want to thank everyone who voted for me!

    Also congratulations to the runner-ups! Believe it or not: although I took the opportunity to vote for myself (yup, I’m a greedy Dutchman), I also voted for the very same trees that ended as runner-ups as well! Both are very convincing mame-bonsai too, and worthy competitors.

    Thanks again, everyone! You truly made my day with this news!

    Kind regards from The Netherlands,


  4. I don’t blame you for voting for your own tree Ferry. If my tree looked like that, I’d do the same.

    As soon as I saw Jerry Norbury’s name in the contest, I knew I never had the chance. Jerry Norbury is my mentor and sensei….although he doesn’t know it. I may as well take the time now to thank you Jerry for posting all your work on Flickr. There were times when I stayed up until 5 in the morning to study your trees.

    Congrats again Ferry!


  5. By the way, Jerry’s pomegranate did very well in the voting. Just behind the runner ups.

  6. Happy to help make your day. From where I sit, it was a great contest and fun to watch the voting evolve from day to day. It was neck and neck until the very end. In fact, your little tree was behind John Romano’s erodium until the very last day. There were several others that garnered substantial support as well, so overall I’d say you won a very good and highly competitive contest.

    The simple way to do this is to have you enter that you are the winner of the unique contest in the comments when you order from Stone Lantern. Your $100 deduction won’t show at that time, but we will adjust it when we put the order through.

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