$100 Bonsai Art Contest: Enter & Win! 2/16/10


Disembodied shoulder, arm, hand and bonsai by Frank Kelly of the Canberra Bonsai Society. Our Bonsai Art Contest is off to good start!

Enter and win!
Send us your bonsai drawing or painting or photo of a bonsai sculpture (or…?) and you just might win.

First prize is a $60 gift certificate to Stone Lantern. Second prize $30 gift certificate. Third prize $10 gift certificate.

The contest will be closed when we have at least ten entrants (if entries are still coming in when we receive 10, we may keep it open a little longer). The drawing (or painting, or whatever) must be done by the person submitting it. It must include something that looks like a bonsai, but can also include whatever else you like. We (that’s me) will be the sole judge of what is permissible to enter. The contest will be judged by our readers. See our last contest for judging rules.

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8 thoughts on “$100 Bonsai Art Contest: Enter & Win!

  1. Good day to you from Lester I’m a old time bonsia tree fan I would love to be able to show you some of my old trees how can I do this? Most of my plants were started back in the 1920’s by my great aunt who had a farm and grew trees for fun. My mon took over caring for the bonsia trees back in the 1940’s and I got started caring for them in the 1970’s. We still have 5 old trees in our family’s bonsia guarden. My favorite ones are my elm and my fukien tea forest and my ficus broom handle tree and a south american rain forest tree with giant spikes on the branches. All of these trees are well over 80 to 150 years old and still going strong. Let my know how I can share some details of my favorite trees in my guarden. 561-883-5017

  2. Hello Wayne,
    sorry to bother you again but im not sure you got my drawing in, can you maybe confirm you got it.
    Thanks Youri

  3. I love the forest done by Donna Dobberfuhl. Interesting style.Gets my vote for sure!!!

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