Seventh Entry $100 Bonsai Art Contest 3/12/10


Cedar elm forest painting by Donna L. Dobberfuhl.  “Here is my entry.  It is a 40″ x 30″ painting I did of “The Texas State Bonsai Exhibit” Cedar Elm Forest.  The bonsai is planted in a custom ordered Chinese pot of some 65″ long, The Forest is about 4′ tall.  I used the style of painting introduced by Chuck Close.  I am a sculptor by profession but exercise my mind with occasional painting projects.”

We have a deadline!
We already have ten entries (stay tuned for the rest) so, like all good things, it’s time to bring it home (mixed metaphor anyone?). So, any entries received after midnight (Eastern standard time USA) this Sunday, March 14th, will returned with a little note saying how much we appreciate your submission, but sadly, we cannot accept it. 

This means you have a little over two days
If you are still thinking about entering, don’t think too much longer. Send your entry to

Bonsai Bark belongs to Stone Lantern (DBA Stone Lantern Discoveries Inc). If this (or any of our posts) appears anywhere other than under the Bonsai Bark heading and is not attributed to Bonsai Bark, then it has been pirated.

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2 thoughts on “Seventh Entry $100 Bonsai Art Contest

  1. Definately gets my vote. Love the colors and the style used. Would love to see this forest in person.Would look great in my office.

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