A Wild & Wonderful Larch 4/10/10


Inspiration for your bonsai. This photo is from Bonsaimania. It’s on facebook in a gallery called “Inspirations to your Bonsai: (translated from Spanish). If anyone has any clues, I’d like to know where this photo was taken.

Bonsaimania gallery (in English)
Here’s what Bonsaimania has to say about their gallery in English: “These trees are real and they can be found in nature. They are on this album because they are models that should inspire us to create our bonsai. If you want to propose a tree in nature that will inspire us, send me a message through my Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/suiseki”

Y en Espanol
“Estos árboles son de verdad y se encuentran en la naturaleza. Están en este álbum porque son modelos que deberían inspirarnos para crear nuestros bonsáis.Si quieres proponer algún árbol en la naturaleza que nos sirva de inspiración, envíame un mensaje a través de mi perfil en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/suiseki”

Speaking of Larch
Larch Master Nick Lenz’s Bonsai from the Wild has an extensive section on collecting and growing larch. Nick know larches like know one knows larch. Check it out, it’s on special.


Here’s another one from the same gallery. Buttonwood?

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One thought on “A Wild & Wonderful Larch

  1. I don’t think Conocarpus has red fruits as this one does.
    Cool tree, though. I think I remember seeing it years ago and being told it was growing on a beach in Barbados, but I could be wrong.

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