CBS Bonsai Segment: “If You Do It Right” 4/22/10


Last Sunday CBS ran a segment on bonsai. It was shot in two places: The National Bonsai and Penjing Museum in Washington DC and at Felix Laughlin’s farm in Virginia (three days ago we featured photos by Felix from his recent trip to Japan).

“If you do it right…
…it will always look better the next year.”
This happy truth was uttered by Felix Laughlin (President of the National Bonsai Foundation). You can find this here and a range of other statements (most geared to beginners) and some excellent footage of some great trees (way beyond beginners) and more at the National Bonsai Foundation’s website.


Here’s another shot from the segment. I grabbed it and the other shots in this post with Snapz Pro X (for the two of you who might care).


Felix trimming one of his two hundred bonsai.


A buttonwood at the National Museum.