Tool Sale & Warehouse Closed Next Week 6/28/10


Another photo I found on a folder on my desk. I think it’s from Bonsaimania. They specialize in these kinds of shots. If you know for sure where it came from, please let me know. I’m never completely comfortable with putting up unattributed photos, yet they do seem to show up. I’ll have to be more diligent with my photo record keeping in the future.

Tool sale started today
Stone Lantern is offering 35% off all tools with an additional 10% off for orders over $100. Plenty of non-tool items are also discounted.

Warehouse closed from July 5th thru July 9th
We’ll still accept orders next week, they just won’t be charged and shipped until the following week. Thanks for you patience and understanding. Corey needs a well deserved break and I’m sure Bruce and Amy can find something to do with their time also.