Perfection? Or Just the Eye of the Beholder? 8/10/10

yellowflowerMy Japanese is a little rusty (actually more like non-existent), so I have no idea what this little gem is. However, thanks to Willi Benz, I know that if it is displayed alone, you might call it a kusamono (or kusamono bonsai). If it is displayed as an accent or companion plant, then you could call it a shitakusa. This photo, just like the second photo in Friday’s post, is from one of our Japanese mystery books.

Is this perfection?
When I look at the two photos in this post, I can find absolutely no faults anywhere. Often with bonsai, something might be improved: the size of the pot, its color, the placement of the plant, its angle, the ratio of whatever to whatever, something. Am I missing something? Or maybe what I call perfection is just what suits my taste?

kusaHere’s another one. Same book. Same problem (ie, no problem).

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One thought on “Perfection? Or Just the Eye of the Beholder?

  1. Doesn’t do it for me man. I would call it profoundly imperfect and unlovely. One man’s perfection is another’s “meh”.

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