More Mammouth Book Discounts 9/16/10


Morten Albek’s classic book on small bonsai is marked down from $24.95 to only $9.95. This is the only book on Shohin bonsai in English and is both beautifully photographed and thorough going in its coverage of the ins and out of styling and growing small and miniature bonsai.

As we’ve already stated, we can’t do this with most books…
… just the ones we published. We pay way too much for books by other publishers to reduce them this much. However, with our own books, we can do what we want; they were paid for eons ago, and though we’ve sold thousands of each, we overdid it when it came to printing (our over the top enthusiasm is your good fortune).


We actually didn’t publish this one, but thanks to Lew Buller’s kindness, we now own it. Which means we can offer to you at a small fraction of the original price ($9.95 down from $39.95). It’s the only English language saikei book in print, and is especially suited to people who are looking for inspirational ideas.