Needle Junipers

This Needle juniper (J. rigida) is from our Japanese bonsai calendar. August, 2010. There are Needle junipers and then there are needle junipers, and then… Juniperus rigida (above) are commonly called Needle junipers. Then there is the class of junipers with needle like foliage, that are often referred to as needle junipers. These are distinguished from the class of junipers with softer scale like foliage. The problem is, that sometime some junipers with needle like foliage show some scale like foliage (and vice-versa). Confused? You can always order our Masters’ Series Juniper book and sort out the whole thing (and … Continue reading Needle Junipers

Critiques: A Simple Request (In His Own Words)

This photo will give you some idea of what Robert Steven is up to. Well, this and critiquing your trees. Your photos and Robert’s request (in his own words) “…one more thing, you’d better suggest people to send the picture taken with plain background with the proper front angle, plus back and sides if they wish.” None of the photos so far… … have completely conformed to what he wants. This isn’t to say he won’t accept them (he might), just that it will make it easier on him if the photos are closer to what he is looking for. … Continue reading Critiques: A Simple Request (In His Own Words)

Robert Steven World Famous Bonsai Artist, Teacher & Author Will Critique Your Tree For Free

Robert Steven at work. A very easy decision I just received an email from Robert Steven suggesting that we offer his critiques of your trees on Bonsai Bark. Needless to say, I hesitated about 1/10th of second (maybe less) in accepting his offer. About Robert Robert Steven is one of the most innovative and prolific bonsai artists in the world. Robert possesses enough vision, daring, imagination and masterful control of technique to fuel dozens of us more ordinary bonsai lovers. If you don’t believe me (overstatement is not unknown around these parts) check out his books: Vision of My Soul, … Continue reading Robert Steven World Famous Bonsai Artist, Teacher & Author Will Critique Your Tree For Free

So Very Good: Why Weren’t We There?

I know it’s old news (2007) but this tree almost floors me with just how good it is. Do you agree? Am I crazy for falling love? I don’t think so. It’s a Pemphis Acidua from the The 9th Asia Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Convention and Exhibition in Bali. The photo is by KiJaduk LuputSuwuk. I don’t know who the artist is, but there’s a great article about the convention on The Art of Bonsai Project (and thanks to Bonsaimania for first showing me this tree on facebook). But here’s the thing The Bali Convention is full of trees of … Continue reading So Very Good: Why Weren’t We There?

Don’t Be Too Shy to Win a $25 Gift Certificate

This is the planting that I want you to critique. It’s from from Kiki Bonsai. Go ahead, make my day Just write a little critique of the planting above. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it doesn’t even have to make sense. We’re short on entries, so anything is better than nothing. And who knows? You just might win, and even if you don’t, you might learn something in the process. The details are here Penjing: Worlds of Wonderment The only English language penjing book is now on sale for $14.95 (originally $39.50).

Golden Arrow Smith

Common juniper. Estimated age 125 years. Collected, wired and potted by Andrew Smith, Golden Arrow Bonsai. Golden Arrow Bonsai Golden Arrow is Andrew Smith (his website says Andrew, though I’ve always known him as Andy), with perhaps a little help from his friends and family. Andrew is a bonsai artist and professional woodsman who specializes in collecting trees from nature. If you would like to learn how to collect the right way, check out Andrew’s DVD, How to Collect Wild Trees. Andrew also has a DVD on styling collected trees that’s entitled Finding the Bonsai Within, Ponderosa Pine Wiring Techniques, … Continue reading Golden Arrow Smith

A Good Place to Visit (in the Winter)

The Bonsai Exhibit at the The Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens. Visit The Morikami (the essence of Japan in South Florida)… … but you might want to wait until winter. Once you get past the purple/pink background you might notice that this wild and sparse Rocky Mountain Juniper is reminiscent of the Ponderosa pines that you (and the Pine beetles) find by the millions in the Rockies (and the Sierras). It’s on display at The Morikami. It was styled by Ben Oki. Bonsai & Japanese arts & culture Since its opening in 1977, The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens (and … Continue reading A Good Place to Visit (in the Winter)

Hinokis, Spruces & Mountain Tops

I found this Hinoki forest on the Redwood Empire Bonsai Society website (from their 2009 Annual Show). I think it’s unusual and quite compelling in its naturalness. I’ve come across spruce groves while hiking in Vermont and New Hampshire that look something like this. You find them near the mountain tops, where the harsh climate causes the trees to dwarf and huddle together. These little forests of dwarf trees with their lush moss carpets and time worn rocks, can evoke a peaceful almost other worldly feeling when you stumble across them.

Bonsai Events Calendar with Updates

Photo from Crataegus Bonsai. See below Nov 2-4 for Crataegus Bonsai Seasonal with Michael Hagedorn. Our first update Since we posted our first calendar one week ago, we have received info on several additional events. To make these new ones easy to spot, the dates are in orange with a asterisk* in front. Send yours us yours If you have a bonsai event you’d like to see in our next calendar, send it to, or put it in the comments below (don’t forget the links). We can’t guarantee we’ll publish them all, but we might. Aug 27-?: Stone Lantern … Continue reading Bonsai Events Calendar with Updates