Prune or Wire? How About Both?

This wavy image is from Bonsai Today issue 21. The instructions are geared for beginning bonsai enthusiasts. Pruning You can grow decent bonsai without wiring. However, I know of no bonsai that doesn’t require some pruning. If just pruning without wiring works to achieve a desirable effect, then just prune. Trunks and branches that grow without wiring tend to look more natural (as you might expect). Wiring Not all trunks and branches that grow on their own look good. In the top drawing above, the branches are too straight and uninteresting, so wiring is appropriate. Most bonsai artist use wire. … Continue reading Prune or Wire? How About Both?

A Simple & Instructive Little Quiz, Part 2

My way or the highway? Here it is and don’t blame me. Who you should blame is unknown; Bonsai Today issue 21 doesn’t provide the artist’s name. Should’ve or could’ve? On April 16th we posted a little quiz from Bonsai Today issue 21. Several of you took the challenge (see comments). Now we are posting the artist’s answers. One could take issue with the ‘should have’ language (the problem may have been in the translation). Still, whatever your thoughts on the language, you can bet that the original artist had a pretty good handle on the art of pruning (see … Continue reading A Simple & Instructive Little Quiz, Part 2

Bon-Tat #2: Over the Top?

A little over the top? Cool body art? Gross? Interesting? Not? Whatever you or I might think, tattoos are everywhere (you know) these days. BTW: I enjoy good body art (on someone else’s body) but I’m not sure about this one (it’s not even a bonsai, but close enough) which turned up on my facebook home page. Are you ready? Exactly one year ago today, we featured our first bon-tat post (I like that one). Auspiciously (suspiciously?) this one just popped up on facebook. Are you ready for yours? When you are and you do it, please send us a … Continue reading Bon-Tat #2: Over the Top?

Vacation Blues: One Week Behind

A very temporary condition We are currently short staffed and are running at least one week behind. We expect to be all caught up by in about ten days (the two people who are out enjoying themselves will be back then). Don’t wait! We are still accepting orders As we catch up all orders will be processed on a first come first serve basis (they always are anyway). So don’t wait. Order now so you’ll be near the front of the line. Thank you for your patience and understanding Respectfully yours, Wayne Specials Books, Kenzans (flower pins) and back issues … Continue reading Vacation Blues: One Week Behind

CBS Bonsai Segment: “If You Do It Right”

Last Sunday CBS ran a segment on bonsai. It was shot in two places: The National Bonsai and Penjing Museum in Washington DC and at Felix Laughlin’s farm in Virginia (three days ago we featured photos by Felix from his recent trip to Japan). “If you do it right… …it will always look better the next year.” This happy truth was uttered by Felix Laughlin (President of the National Bonsai Foundation). You can find this here and a range of other statements (most geared to beginners) and some excellent footage of some great trees (way beyond beginners) and more at … Continue reading CBS Bonsai Segment: “If You Do It Right”

Another Budi, Another Pemphis

Pemphis acidula by Budiman Darmansjah. Here’s Budiman’s reply when I asked him if I could use it: “You can use it as you want. It is Pemphis acidula, grow on limestone rock at seaside. I collected this tree in 2000. Length of trunk is 105 cm.” (105 cm = 41 inches) Doubled down Just yesterday we posted a Pemphis acidula by Budi Sulistyo, a well known Indonesian bonsai artist and author of Tropical Bonsai Gallery. Now we have another Pemphis by another Budi (actually Budiman). Though it may not be quite as eye-popping as yesterday’s, still, it’s a good tree … Continue reading Another Budi, Another Pemphis

Say Goodbye to an Old Classic (Well, Almost)

Almost gone. Our classic Pine book is down to less than 40 copies. We originally printed 5,200, so it’s been a pretty good run. One per person please While it lasts (and it won’t be long) we request that you limit yourself to one per person (or one per company). Thanks. No plans At this point, we have no plans to reprint, though in a year or two, we could change our minds.

Budi’s Stupendous Bonsai

Stupendous is a good start in the search for words to describe this old full cascade Pemphis acidula by Budi Sulistyo. Ahh, to live in the tropics where stuff like this grows everywhere (well, not exactly like this, but still…). I first saw it in facebook in an album entitled My bonsai by Budi. Budi’s book If you’d like to impress your friends, you can buy Budi’s excellent Tropical Bonsai Gallery book, cut out the pictures and frame them, and tell everyone the bonsai are yours and that the reason you don’t have them anymore is they were blown away … Continue reading Budi’s Stupendous Bonsai

Felix Laughlin’s Photos from Japan

Rarely so red. You don’t see too many Junipers in red pots. For that matter you don’t see that many bonsai in red pots. It’s a tough color to work with, especially when it’s this bright. And no, the juniper isn’t dead; it just has a strong case of winter color. It resides at Mr. Daizo Iwasaki’s Takasago-an. A few friends and a camera Not too long ago Felix Laughlin, President of our National Bonsai Foundation (and the second World Bonsai Friendship Federation chairman) packed up his camera and took a trip to Japan with some friends. The photos shown … Continue reading Felix Laughlin’s Photos from Japan