You Can Win Our $1,000 Bonsai from Scratch Contest! 4/13/11

A close up of a large nursery stock plant that was transformed into a shohin (small bonsai) by Morten Albek (author of Majesty in Miniature, Shohin Bonsai), from Bonsai Today issue 107.

Why you can win
No one has entered yet. We’ve had a couple threats, but no one has sent us any photos of the raw stock yet. The contest is wide open.

One suggestion
Do what Morten Albek did. He took a relatively large nursery plant and cut it way down to make a small bonsai. That’s just one idea, but it’s a good one.

Another suggestion
Do whatever you want. But do it! You’ve nothing to lose and plenty to gain.

Rules etc are here
Good Luck!

Speaking of Bonsai Today…
…. all back issues of Bonsai Today are now 50% off (that’s half price for the math challenged).

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4 thoughts on “You Can Win Our $1,000 Bonsai from Scratch Contest!

  1. I was thinking about entering the bonsai contest… I’m fairly new at growing bonsai’s and has always just bought them… But I think it will be fun to do my own from scratch!. My question is, can I use a juniper stock? I saw a few at Lowe’s and I think I can make a good looking bonsai with one.. I live in louisiana zone 9.. Thanks for your time!! Hope to hear back from you soon! Thanks again

  2. All I see is a red “X” where the pix should be for “A close up of a large nursery stock plant that was transformed into a shohin (small bonsai) by Morten Albek”.

    While I have attempted a bonsai, I have always found most intriguing and beautiful to gaze at. I am contemplating to enter this contest…with not a clue as to the subject matter.


    Rich Horowitz

  3. Hi Brian,
    Sure. You can use Juniper. Really, you can use pretty much whatever you like.

  4. Thanks Rich,

    Sorry about the red X. Our images are JPEGs at 72 dpi. I’m not sure what else we can do.

    By all means. Enter the contest. It will be fun, you’ll learn something and who knows, you just might win something.

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