Midsummer Bonsai Treat & A Short Guy-Wire Lesson 8/1/11

A bonsai treat. This short, muscular and quite distinctive little Korean Hornbeam belongs to Jonas at Bonsai Tonight.

A little guy wire lesson
If you’re a little lazy like I sometimes am, then you might not always properly protect your prize bonsai from serious scarring. With some trees it doesn’t matter that much, but with others, a wire scar can become a long term blemish, or worse. Bonsai Tonight has an excellent article that shows a simple technique for protecting branches from scarring when using a guy-wire.

Looking good. Now to put this little baby to use. To see just how this is done, visit Bonsai Tonight.

Quality bonsai wire from Japan at low prices and novice grade wire by Bonsai Aesthetics at even lower prices.