A Quick Potpourri: Gede, Crespi, Fuku, Carlos & Kyoto 9/12/12

This spectacular Pemphis acidula was collected and styled by Gede Merta. You can usually spot Gede’s bonsai immediately; there’s something about the convoluted trunks and branches and the way he carves deadwood. This photo was recently posted on his facebook page.


Better hurry if you want to make this year’s Crespi Cup. Robert Steven (and others) will be there, and, it’s in Italy (great food, exciting bonsai and other good things await you in Italy). September 14th to the 23rd.


A theory of pruning by Fuku Bonsai.  Two of eight illustrations that show how to create different bonsai styles. Number 1. is titled Creating a larger broad crown, and number 8 is called One & two branch stylingFuku Bonsai is in Hawaii. As with other tropical climes, results come fast, often after radical pruning that might or might not work so well in colder climates, where recovery time after each step is usually much slower.


Full bodied literati by Carlos van der Vaart.  Though the trunk is somewhat heavier than your average literati (bunjin) bonsai, as is the foliage, still, this one aptly represents that unique grouping of bonsai we call literati.


Kyoto Botanical Garden. From tripadvisor.com.au. I don’t know anything about the company, I just like the photo.