Three Famous Bonsai Books Are Back 6/11/13

These three popular Haskill Creek bonsai books are back in print after being gone for about a year. One of the great things about these books is that each topic is completely unique. You simply won’t find the subjects covered in any other bonsai books.

To thank you for your patience, we are offering these 3 Haskill Creek (now a division of Stone Lantern) classics at a special price of only 48.85 for all 3. The list price for all three is 70.85. which mean you save 22.00 off of list (9.00 off our our individually discounted prices – see below).

Individually each of these excellent books are also discounted.

Botany for Bonsai: list price 22.95, your price 18.95

Ponderosa Pines as Bonsai: list price 22.95, your price 18.95

Stands and Benches: list price 24.95, your price 19.95

And, just in case you want to save even more with 8 of our books, here’s a new set for you.

You can now own this entire set of 8 Stone Lantern bonsai books for only 99.00 (list 215.60). Just in case you are wondering, Haskill Creek is now a division of Stone Lantern Publishing.


New cover tree for Botany for Bonsai. It’s a collected Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) that belongs to Enrique CastaƱo, who happens to be the author of Botany for Bonsai and the winner of the 2010 John Y. Naka award (for this tree). BTW: it looks a lot like what is usually called Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) in Florida and sometimes called Button Mangrove (just to thicken the plot).