Wisteria bonsai doing its profuse thing. It belongs to Gerard Schoofs of the Bonsai Society of Victoria. Being a North American I just figured Victoria BC, Canada without a second thought, until I read this caption: “I managed to get this photo about Oct 2011…”
Turns out, there are several Victorias in this wide world and this one is a state somewhere in that over-sized island south of Indonesia (just kidding sort of, with only a hint of irritation about a certain kind of provincialism that assumes*…. or maybe I’m just cranky).
I think it’s a good time to start a series of posts on color. Flowering bonsai to be specific, with maybe a few colorful pots thrown in. After all it’s April and even though we still have at least a foot of compacted snow and ice everywhere around these parts (Vermont, USA, just in case you think I’m guilty of a certain kind of provincialism that assumes….). Still, spring is in the air and it feels real good. Not that we should get our hopes too high…
I don’t know what this is or who it belongs to. The rounded crown and profusion of flowers might suggest an
Azalea (maybe even a deciduous azalea), (better eyes report they see a Bougainvillea here) but I can’t be sure. I found it here, then traced it back to Bonsai Empire, but couldn’t find a name or an attribution.
Even though it’s early for Satsuki azalea flowers in most places (Satusuki means 5th month, which means they bloom more or less in May Japan) and we’ve shown this delicious little tree at least twice already, still it’s worth another look. I originally found it on Tae Kukiwon Bonsai.
What would you plant in this pot? It’s one of hundreds of gorgeous, creative and often colorful pots by Horst Heinzlreiter, one of Bark favorites.
* I couldn’t find any reference to which Victoria anywhere on their site… it was finally Gerard Schoofs (facebook) that blew their cover.
That looks like an orange bougainvillea to me. Great color to the flower bracts.
The orange flowering tree is on the Tae Kukiwon Bonsai page too, and they also ID it as a Bougainvillea.
Tom and Will,
Now that you mention it…
For the record, Victoria in the lower south-east of Australia, is great place for bonsai enthusiasts. And coupled to a large Asian population is good for both Penjing,Bonsai and Vietnamese Hon Non Bo.
So us lovers of the mobile garden as I refer to bonsai as,have great scope and wide variety to learn from others and appreciate their artistry.
This being the same from your blog also, Regards/ Gary Croft
Hi Gary,
I’ll bet your Victoria is a great place for lots of things. Bonsai included.