Stepping Out of Character for Just a Moment 5/29/14

roThe first thing that caught my eye in this photo is the tree’s overall graceful fluid movement. Next is the swirling gnarl that, for lack of a better word, we’ll call the trunk (see below). This photo and the others shown here are from a recent facebook post by Robert Steven.

Robert Steven is, without a doubt, the artist most featured here on Bonsai Bark. You can chalk that up to him being one of the most accomplished and innovative bonsai artists in the world. Prolific too. But there’s more. We don’t usually do lists here nor do we usually feature people (people’s bonsai for sure, but not so much about personalities), but we’ll go ahead and step out character for just a moment and make a list of some of Robert Steven’s bonsai credentials:

1. Aforementioned accomplishment and innovation.

2. Well known and well loved bonsai teacher. In this vein Robert has traveled much of the world and has provided encouragement to countless fellow bonsai artists and enthusiasts.

3. Famous bonsai author. Robert’s Mission of Transformation is the one of his books that is available now, but we’re hoping for a reprint of Vision of My Soul and awaiting other books that Robert has been working on.

4. Master bonsai critique artist. For years we’ve featured Robert’s bonsai critiques here on Bark. Lately they’ve fallen off because we haven’t bothered to remind your about them. So consider this a reminder. Send us photos of your bonsai for a FREE critique by Robert Steven.

5. Bonsai Impresario. Robert has been working tirelessly to organize and promote his upcoming International Bonsai Biennale.

6. Peerless and fearless collector of wild bonsai from dangerous places.

7. Bonsai scholar with particularly deep knowledge of the history and development of Chinese penjing.

8. Bonsai entrepreneur. Bonsai Aesthetics is Robert’s brand of bonsai tools and affordable bonsai wire (see Word from our sponsor below).


detailThis close-up from the tree above invites you into a whole world of nooks and crannies.


rob4Is that a rock, piece of wood or part of the trunk?


robadOne of many creative photos taken to promote Robert’s upcoming International Bonsai Biennale.

A word from our sponsor. All of our Bonsai Aesthetics tools are now 25% off. This is a very good deal on already very affordable tools. An even better deal is our 100 gram rolls of Aesthetics bonsai wire are now 50% off for 10 or more rolls. This one-time-only wire sale will end very soon, so don’t wait.