Old Rosemary plants abound in Europe, so you’d expect to see some pretty good Rosemary bonsai and this semi-cacade certainly qualifies. It doesn’t hurt that it’s in a very cool pot.
All the photos in this post are from old issues of Bonsai Today. They have all appeared here before, back in 2010 in a post called A Moveable Feast European Style. It’s a long story, but none were attributed then and none are attributed now. My apologies to the artists.
All four trees shown here are from Europe and originally appeared in Bonsai Today issue 85.
This twisty Juniper forest reminds me of Point Lobos on the Central California coast. Like the one above and the ones below, it’s from Bonsai Today issue 85.
This strange and wonderful little Mugo pine has an unusual shape and might qualify as one of our eccentric bonsai (if you check some of our previous posts, you’ll see that that’s not an insult).
A multi-hued European hornbeam planting on a slab.65% off Bonsai Today back issues. Learn from the masters with thousands of how-to photos and stunning bonsai. There is no other single source of so much valuable bonsai information