It Takes a Bonsai Village 8/6/15

juniperafter2Not in its pot yet and not a perfect photo, but still...! 
It's a Rocky Mountain juniper from Michael Hagedorn's Crataegus Bonsai portfolio.

While we’re in Portland (see yesterday’s post) we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the Portland Bonsai Village. In fact, it would almost criminal and an insult to our friend Michael Hagedorn if we didn’t clue you in. So, click this link and consider yourself clued… and while you’re in Portland at the Cup, hop on board (bus below).

Skip this paragraph unless you’re a fan of self flagellation. Sometimes I amaze myself at just how dense I can be. Even though Michael has made it perfectly clear for even the slowest of the slow, I still refused to understand (better to blame stubbornness rather than stupidity) that the Portland Bonsai Village and the Artisans Cup are two separate (but equal) entities. So, to set the record straight and to repair past errors, The Village is Michael Hagedorn’s brain child and the Cup belongs to Ryan Neil.

Enough said. I’ve no doubt confused you enough about the Portland Bonsai Village. We’ll just let the pictures do the talking.

hapsburgThe Village even has its own passports, though as Michael discovered it wouldn't get him into the Habsburg castle in Vienna or...


breakfast...…it wouldn't even buy him a colorful (if a little fuzzy) breakfast at a B&B in Munchen, Germany… (he did try). Astoundingly, there were several other things his passport wouldn't do. However, it will get you into all kinds of wonderful bonsai places and events in and around Portland.



The mini bus for Village tours during the Artisans Cup.



This Ponderosa pine belongs to Michael, who as you probably know, is a talented and disciplined bonsai artist and teacher. If you've seen his bonsai in person you'll understand. Meanwhile, though this is a pretty good photo, I'm waiting for the day that Michael sets up a permanent space for studio level photos with just the right lighting and all the rest (including perhaps a black background?) so that we can all enjoy his trees in the best possible light (intended).



Michael's famous boot and its story.... "And this one is not really an accent although I have it out there between the bonsai along with the other accents. I could tell some story like ‘Well, the boot never did fit.’ But actually I bought it at an estate sale."

And now, after a whole post plugging Michael’s Bonsai Village it’s time for a plug from our sponsor…

 Wire310% to 30% off Kilo Rolls of Bonsai Aesthetics wire
plus an additional 5% off Stone Lantern orders 100.00 or more