Bunjin Wizard 10/15/15


Triple trunk bunjin. I've long had a soft spot for trees with long straight trunks, topped with dynamic flowing curves. Exactly like this one. Which, along with the other two trees shown here, was styled by Naoki Maeoka.


After close up. A good view of how the flowing lines at the top of each trunk are carried over onto the branches.


Before. Triple trunk bunjin.

You don’t see that many triple trunk bunjin (literati) bonsai. Especially ones as elegant as the one above. It, and the others shown here, belong to Naoki Maeoka.

Bunjin wizard. Naoki Maeoka is a resident at Kouka-en nursery and teacher at the Fujikawa Bonsai School. This is the third time we’ve featured his bonsai here on Bark (here and here are the previous two). You might notice that all three posts feature bunjin style bonsai.


Single trunk bunjin. It's somewhat unusual to see such a low branch on a bunjin style tree and it's easy to imagine the tree without it (and even without the second branch as well). Still, who's to argue with such an elegant tree?


Before. Single trunk bunjin.


Single trunk bunjin #2. No lower branches on this one. More in keeping with tradition.


Before. Single trunk bunjin #2


A wonderful book by another Bunjin wizard…


Available at Stone Lantern