Tireless Bonsai Warrior 10/26/15


There's so much that could be said about this wildly expressive tree, but I'll leave that to Robert Steven. Here's what Robert wrote: "Premna microphylla (small leaves) grafted on Premna serratifolia stump to obtain better foliage proportion and ramification structure... Combining different line characters into one integrated design in bonsai is a big challenge to obtain good harmony....If there is anything "disturbing" you, mean I succeed to evoke you... LOL smile emoticon."

It has been a while since we featured Robert Steven’s bonsai. If you are new to bonsai, you may not know Robert. In addition to being one of the world’s most talented and tireless bonsai warriors, Robert is a revered bonsai teacher, author, impresario and friend to countless bonsai lovers around the world.

All four trees shown here are from Robert Steven’s photos on facebook.


Pemphis acidula. Normally, a tree like this would be 'top of the post' worthy, but it's hard to compete with the Premna that occupies that position. Still...


Premna Serratifolia?

Premna serratifolia. A slant style tropical bunjin.


Streblus asper

Robert applying his experienced eye and skillful hands to a massive Streblus asper rock planting.


We are running low on Robert’s opus magnus
Mission of Transformation
and I don’t know if or when Robert plans to reprint, so…


Mission of Transformation
Robert Steven’s Leonardo da Vinci inspired bonsai book
Now 20% to 30% off
at Stone Lantern’s Site Wide Sale