Bonsai Is Both the Tree & the Pot (and we know that) 1/16/16

oak1It's not often you see bark like this. Its uniquely patterned texture and color adds considerable character and age to this old live oak. And then there's the pot; the way it complements the tree (an how small it is relative to the tree). No mention of who made it, but whoever did deserves some love. The photo is from the ‘My Trees’ section of Mauro Stemberger’s website.

The following is in response to a comment on Facebook…
We would never chop off part of the pot in a bonsai photo unless that’s the way we found it, or we’re presenting a close up of a feature on a tree (in this case we’ll also show the full photo if we have it).

Still, our Bonsai Bark photos are often chopped when they show up on Facebook. This is not something we do. The photos are moved to Facebook automatically and squeezed into their smaller format.

True, we could resize them and move them to Facebook manually, but this presents another set of problems that we are not equipped to deal with. So for now, our photos will show up on Facebook compromised. Until an elegant solution comes along, we’ll just have to live with it. Meanwhile, you can always view the full photos here on Bark.


We found this photo already chopped. You could call it an art shot (there's is that lone berry on the soil). It's originally from the National Bonsai Foundation and appeared in a 2012 Bark post (as did the photo above). No variety is given.

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