Critiquing a Surrealistic Bonsai 2/16/16

Wayan-Suryawan-SimulationAfter. Robert Steven's simulation of a photo submitted by Wayan (see below).

Here’s another Robert Steven critique from our archives (July, 2011). I picked this one for a couple good reasons: first the tree is uniquely challenging, with it’s mammoth, mountain-like trunk, and second, there’s a great discussion about it with the original. I invite you to take a look.

What a difference a pot makes. Though Robert doesn’t mention it in his critique (below), introducing a shallow pot, rather than the original clunky and rather unattractive pot, instantly transforms the whole tree. Nothing outside the box, just a simple change that does wonders.


Wayan-SuryawanBefore. Submitted by Wayan. Clearly a different pot is called for (see above). The tree is a Pemphis acidula.

In Robert’s own words
Although the trunk is very interesting, it is quite difficult to turn this tree into a design that ideally portrays a large mature tree. The stump is too bulky, so it is not easy to train the other physical elements to fit it in a proportional manner.Imagine the stump as a hill, and trees are growing here and there creating a unique composition.

Think out of the box! Make a rather “surrealistic” design…

Thanks to Pemphis which we can expect new shoots to easily grow, especially on the gnarled knots; then train every single shoot as a tree following natural phenomena as shown on the simulated picture below. The only tree to add separately is the one on the left bottom; or you can do without it if you prefer.

General comments
There is more than one way to design any bonsai and my critiques and recommended solutions might not always fit your taste and personal preferences, but I always try to give my opinion based on artistic and horticultural principles.

To understand my concepts better, please read my books Vision of My Soul (out of print) and Mission of Transformation which is available at Stone Lantern.


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