Bonsai Yesterday, Bonsai Today, Bonsai Tomorrow 3/11/16


Wallpaper. From the cover of Bonsai Today 100

For the first time in eons, we have a full complement of Bonsai Today issues. Every single one, from issue 1 through issue 108 is sitting in our warehouse waiting to fill out your collection.

Prices range from 6.00 dollar up to 80.00 (all are now on sale for an extra 25% off). The higher the price, the more scarce they are. Now to see how long they last.


This California juniper was styled by Michael Hagedorn in issue 88 (a scarce one).
walterpineIf you've been around a while, you've no doubt seen this rather famous Scot's pine that belongs to Walter Pall. We've used it several times, including on the cover of the long scarce Bonsai Today issue 104.


25% off Bonsai Today back issues