A Wonderful Bonsai Event that just Keeps Getting Better 3/31/16


This sumptuous Japanese maple is from the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition website.

It’s time to start thinking about the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition.  All of the previous Exhibitions were wonderful events and they just keep getting better. The dates are September 10-11 and fortunately the venue is the same as last year (if you were there you understand the ‘fortunately‘).

I won’t say more about the details right now, because everything you need to know is on the Exhibition site and we will post regular reminders. Meanwhile, enjoy the photos and start making your plans!



A small part of the vast venue and extensive bonsai selection on display


The 2016 logo tree


A small part of last year's vendor section


Spectacular Sargent juniper from 2014



Meanwhile, I’d like to encourage you to visit Stone Lantern

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