Free, Unconstrained, Witty, Clever, Humorous & Unconventional 9/23/16

naturalThis elegant Bunjin style Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) won Finest Natural Bonsai award at the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. It belongs to John Jaramillo.

With Bunjin (Literati) style bonsai a certain sensitivity is required. Anything even a little forced or overdone or unnatural in any way, just won’t do. Thus, in the case of this tree, the award for the Finest Natural Bonsai is spot on.

Here’s a quote on Bunjin by the illustrious John Naka (from a 2015 Bark post) “… Its appearance should not be too serious nor easy, it should be free, unconstrained, witty, clever, humorous and unconventional. A good example for this is a study of any of nature’s tree that has survived some sort of problem or disaster.

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natoriginalThanks to Oscar Jonker for this original photo (the others are just my crops).



A cropped attempt to show you a closeup of the suiseki companion

*Sale does not include our Green T Turntable
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