California Bonsai Dreaming 10/28/16


This rather impressive California juniper has come a long ways in about three years (based on the Mauro Stemberger's caption - see below). It still needs to find a massively large pot, but otherwise it looks like it's getting ready for showtime.

The only caption Mauro Stemberger lists with the photos shown here is: CA juniper / 2016-2015-2014 (facebook). I was hoping to flesh out the story with a visit to Mauro’s website, Italian Bonsai Dream, but no such luck. Still, just the photos tell a pretty good bonsai story.



Before. There's lots of character in this old yamadori juniper, but lots of skilled work ahead to bring it out.

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A year or two later (?) and plenty of robust new growth. Some of the aforementioned work has been done and it has found its way into a new box.


The basics are done. Now for some finishing touches...



After more trimming, cleaning up and adding some guy wires. If you look at the last two photos together (see below) it's hard to see that the guy wires on the left effect much change, except for just a slight increase in separation on the lower branch. I suspect the guys wires are there mostly to stabilize the tree.



And speaking of Juniper bonsai…
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