The new growth on some Spruce is often a brilliant yellow. Almost like yellow flowers. In this case the spruce is an Ezo (Picea jezoensis). This one resides at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum as do the other trees in this post.
It’s the shortest day of the year and you know what that means… SPRING is coming! I know it’s too soon and a little crazy and even a little cruel to think this way when we still have about fourteen weeks of cold stretched out in front of us before our bonsai wake up and start making their ritual demands. Still…
Continued below….
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All the spring photos show here are originally from the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum and more recently from a post we did back in June, 2015.
For a lot of people, Satsuki azaleas are all about the flowers, so it doesn't matter so much that you can't really see the trunk in this photo. You can however see just how massive it is and that this would be a noteworthy bonsai even without the flowers.
Another massive trunk on an altogether very impressive bonsai. It's a Japanese black pine with bright new buds acting as spring accents.
Continued below…
Speaking of Pines…

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Another Satsuki in full flower. So much so that it's okay that the trunk is obscured.
A magnificent triple-trunked Trident maple full of fresh yellow-green spring leaves.
Raised-root trunks are not uncommon with Satsuki.