A sweet little Firethorn (Pyracantha) in full flower. Yesterday we showed one with a few berries and if you scroll down you'll see one with a lot more than a few.
Thought we’d continue yesterday’s Shohin theme with a few more photos. I’ll spare you too much commentary. The photo above is from Bonsai Mike.
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It's not everyday you see a shohin Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus). This one belongs to Robert Kempinski. The pot is by J. Baccus. I found the photo on an old art of bonsai post.
Shohin shimpaku juniper from Bay Island Bonsai's 17 annual exhibit. The photo is by Jonas Dupuich (Bonsai Tonight).
Red on red. The tiny tree is an Elaeagnus pungens (Siverthorn in English, Kangumi in Japanese). It belongs to Haruyosi.
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Red on blue. Another tiny tree by Haruyosi. This time it's a Quince.
A little large for shohin, but who could resist all those brilliant berries? Looks like another pyracantha. The image is from a Cristian De Ross video.
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